Want to guess what stupid thing teenagers are doing now? Sharing passwords to social sites.

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Summary: Kids start sharing passwords with other kids on social sites. It is a sign of trust (and no doubt will soon devolve into a sign of DIStrust to not do it) but there are much better lessons to be learned by keeping privacy even under passionate circumstances.

BLOT: (18 Jan 2012 - 01:22:26 PM)

Want to guess what stupid thing teenagers are doing now? Sharing passwords to social sites.

What stupid thing are teenagers doing now? They are sharing passwords on social websites: "The digital era has given rise to a more intimate custom. It has become fashionable for young people to express their affection for each other by sharing their passwords to e-mail, Facebook and other accounts. Boyfriends and girlfriends sometimes even create identical passwords, and let each other read their private e-mails and texts."

There are reasons to share passwords, sure. The article talks about friends swapping passwords so that their buddies can shut down their accounts for a couple of days of studying. That's a bit weird, but imagine a trip that gets extended or an outage at your house: sometimes you need to give a password so a friend can email something to a professor for you or can download something for you, or can just post on your behalf. No problem. Though you should always immediately change your password as soon as possible after this. What are some reasons NOT to share passwords?

Also, your friends are jerks. I know you don't believe me now, but that dude with the sixty-five dollar emo haircut with blond highlights who likes to say "BRA!" everytime a chubby kid walks by with a bit of moobs? That dude? He's an asshole.


Written by Doug Bolden

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