Going to see Primer, tonight. Free at US Space and Rocket Center Summer Film Series!

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Summary: Primer, a show I think people probably should see, is being shown free tonight at the US Space and Rocket Center.

BLOT: (20 Jun 2013 - 02:41:36 PM)

Going to see Primer, tonight. Free at US Space and Rocket Center Summer Film Series!

I think about 1/3 of my friends have seen Primer, the micro-budget SF movie about criss-crossing time lines and the downsides to having inventive friends, and of the other 2/3s, a good half should definitely see it, and now is the near-to-Huntsville friends' chance. Well, technically, my friends tend to have Netflix, so they can watch it any time (pun intended) they want, and not all of my friends are near-to-Huntsville, but for those ntH sorts, The US Space and Rocket Center will be showing it tonight, 20 June, 2013, @ 7pm.

There will be pre-show beer, there, which is not free, but I generally recommend downing a few drinks before movies like Primer so you never know if you are just confused, or drunk, and that's a great state-of-mind, generally, for approaching life's little philosophies.

I'll be there with the wife-shaped Sarah and the Becca-shaped friend, so if you do show up, and you see me, then wave or something.


Written by Doug Bolden

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