One of my pet peeves with the "I only read REAL books" movement, it's not like real books are quite what they used to be...

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Summary: Usually when people slag off ebooks, they do it with a gleam in their eyes that suggest that they, the slagger, are the keepers of real-literature. And then they bring out their cheap paper-pulp editions...

BLOT: (12 Sep 2013 - 10:41:35 PM)

One of my pet peeves with the "I only read REAL books" movement, it's not like real books are quite what they used to be...

Spotted on University of Iowa's Special Collections & Archives Tumblr, here is a book that has a "hidden" image as you bend the pages:

And this sums up a bit of my ire at people who disdain my ebook habit by claiming that they would never read an ebook with a hint of a wistful sigh, as though I have disturbed their pure and glorious real-book reading habit. As thought I have forced them to pre-emptive strike in a culture war against upstarts like me [note: my 2000+ books, many of which are collectible editions, notwithstanding].

In reality, most "real" books nowadays are cheap mimicries of the kind of physical item that is worth keeping above and beyond digital blips on an e-ink screen. The other day at dinner, I heard someone crap on ebooks and books that don't come out in mass-market editions. That some weird cognitive dissonance, there.

Of course, there are lots of publishers who are still putting out really good quality books. Here are just three that I recommend [with no slight meant against the others not mentioned]: Centipede Press, Dark Regions Press, Tartarus Press. I guess you can see what sort of books I collect.

BONUS BOOK PORN! Southeast Huntsville home library is haven for books, cigars, whisky. (Thanks to Sarah for the link)

Book Culture


Written by Doug Bolden

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"The hidden is greater than the seen."